Fun in the SUN

Fun in the SUN

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Fun Fact for You- Part 1

            We thought we would give you some valuable information on a few staff members, starting with Debby .v. our Aylesford store manager AKA the boss lady and our Staff mom (Literally and figuratively).
            Debby is best known amongst her fellow staff members for being computer illiterate, or technologically challenged. We are actually quite impressed she figured out how to follow the blog. (Kristi did you help her? I know I had to help her join Facebook!)
Fun Facts about Debby- She always speaks her mind, even (especially) when her opinion is the minority, she only eats bread that has a high percentage of “bird seed”, and she secretly loves to clean! Shhhh…. Don’t tell! She is constantly looking for her glasses, talking about her grandkids and calling Craig Curtis by mistake! She is bad at names but great with remembering faces!

“The things I admire most about Debby are how she treats customers and her work ethic within the store. She sets a wonderful example of what true leadership is and it is a joy and pleasure to work for her.”- Megan Banman

Debby’s strengths include: Keeping the Aylesford store running smoothly, and her #1 priority is customer satisfaction and dealing with any concerns or issues they have, she will not stop until she finds a solution. She cares for her staff genuinely, and she has been known to demand staff leave because of weather conditions and she may even call them at home to make sure they made it ok, she is a true mother hen! She dives head first into projects, and won’t stop until she has completed them!

“She is very humble, and is the first to pitch in when needed no matter what the task.”-Jenn McGrath

We love that she is the first to call or email to congratulate someone on a job well done, that she gives us healthy eating pointers (while scowling at our lunches), and even though she is partially retired and not working in the winters she still pops in the stores now and then to stay on top of things and have a little visit.

After 30 years of being involved in the business we could go on and on about her accomplishments within the company! We want to thank her for a job well done, and let her know she is greatly appreciated by everyone!

-Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer
Love you Mom!


  1. So so true! :) FYI that is a really nice pic of the two of you!

  2. That was taken at the 30th Anniversary!

  3. Excellent job at pegging the boss lady girls!
    The question of the day is will I be able to post this comment!
