Fun in the SUN

Fun in the SUN

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

New Staff Warning

Wow, is that the sun I see? Well, maybe not but either way spring is in the air at HHL.
New furniture is on the floor, and the tents are up for our kick off to spring tent event. Spring is an exciting time of year for us, new products, new promotions, new staff, and new clients coming in through the doors. It is a great opportunity to make new friends and build new relationships, and continue old ones.

            The winter months for us can be long and sometimes just a touch boring. Now, our winter projects can hibernate and we prepare ourselves for warm weather chaos. Believe it or not, we get excited for the chaos! Well, I guess I should speak for myself.

            Monday is our first day for new summer staff, so make sure to come in to check out some new faces. I would like to officially welcome our new staff to the HHL family, and to use this opportunity to warn you of the slightly intense summer ahead! Also, to make you aware there will be laughs in your future.

            We tend to have an off beat sense of humor around here and it may take some time to get used to our silly ways. So, I have decided to compile a few words of wisdom for you all. For those clients reading, here is some information about the staff members who are testing your water.

            If you have a knowledge or interest in weddings (including diamonds), babies (the fresher from the womb the better), and food in general you will immediately fit in with lunch time conversations. Sorry boys, that goes for you too! We expect you to participate with up beat enthusiasm. (It may be possible too many woman work here?)

            No matter how tempting it may be, do not, I repeat DO NOT, actually take a pizza order when someone calls requesting Greco on Friday nights. Yes, we may joke about it often but it would be frowned upon to actually follow through. 681-3030 is very similar to 310-3030 but it is considered different…Who knew?

            If one of the owners (no names necessary), decides to sing and/or dance in the middle of the showroom floor to any of the top 40 hits…you may either embrace it and join in or simply ignore. I find neither reaction will offend him, but if it offends you…don’t worry eventually he will get bored and move on with his day.
 In the end, remember as busy as we get and as stressful as it may become, have fun! P.S. If you choose to be sarcastic (which absolutely none of us are), remember to bring a quarter because around here it will cost you. Staff members have been known to loose a small portion of wages to the sarcasm jar (mostly Mike).

-Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer


  1. It is hard to believe that another pool season will soon be starting. It is always great to see new staff members join our sales team, so welcome Trevor, Rebecca and Stephanie, you will soon be wondering what you got yourself into. Also a huge welcome back to some of our returning sales staff members, Welcome back Craig, Jessica, Brian & Evan. Our construction and service crews are also starting to take shape, with many guys returning... Curtis, Scott, Jason, Tim, Rob, Francis, Darren, Sean, Jim, Matt so welcome back to all of them as well, and a special welcome to the team to Jason and Mike ... last but not least welcome back Seb, who is not only returning to work for us this summer, but is now also a member of our family!!

  2. Wow! Was it really necessary to hire another person whose name is Mike! Ha, Ha!

    Welcome to HHL where nicknames are a must!

  3. And by Stephanie, Mike means Angela! Hard to keep everyone straight!

  4. It's hard to believe the service/construction crews are already going strong... opening pools & tubs, prepping sites for above ground and doing pavers! The returning staff will not even recognize the newly renovated Aylesford HHL Store! :)

  5. Sorry about the name mix up Angela, it probably won't be the last time I get someones name wrong

  6. Welcome new staff!!! As a former HHL summer employee I can say with confidence that this will be a job like no other! Get ready for a summer full of fun memories and friendly faces from the wonderful customers and colleagues! HAVE FUN!!! :)
