Fun in the SUN

Fun in the SUN

Saturday, 29 March 2014

On the Radio

My two year old recently made a simple statement while in the car bringing me to work, “Mommy’s Home”.

I thought it was cute. He didn’t say it in a sad way, he loves to run into the store to color at my desk, listen to his voice echo and run and see his Papa in the back office.

Katie and I have been busy working on the 2014 marketing for Holland Home Leisure and we are having a lot of fun with this new challenge. We have met some amazing members of the community involved with the different forms of media, and we are enjoying creating some fun and different ads for both print and radio.  Part of our research has been going through Debby’s old ‘Radio Binder” dating back to ads she wrote in 1996.

It is no secret that my HHL family is more than just my work family, so reading the ads that I had heard on the radio years ago has brought back fond memories. Reading the words “Hi, I’m Debby from Holland Home Leisure”, reminded me of being young and thinking it was SO COOL my mom was on the radio. Lines like “Mike and I welcome you into the store this Victoria Day Weekend” made me think… it was like they were inviting you into their home. For 34 years this has been their home away from home. The ads had such a comforting feeling… and I can hear her upbeat voice now! Frankly, I am going to miss them!

2014 is bringing on a big change where radio is concerned; you will be hearing a new voice on the radio representing HHL. Andrea Van Zoost will now be doing our radio recordings, so keep an ear out to hear them! So far they are sounding great!

 We want to thank Debby for taking so much time over the years, not only recording but also writing a huge portion of the ads. You have done a wonderful job!

Talk soon,

Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer

Debby's Binder!