I am not Suzy Home Maker! Those who know me well know this as a fact and for those who don’t…well I guess you do now. My Mom could very well change her name to Suzy. She seems SO organized in the kitchen, somehow when she is done it is cleaner than when she began. (That whole cleaning as you go thing hasn’t quite registered for me).
Strangely I do enjoy my time in the kitchen, I am not as hopeless as I sound (as long as I am not rushed and preferably am alone). I feel confident having company for dinner and them not leaving hungry, and my husband has certainly not lost weight since we united in marriage (sorry Seb). I can cook and bake (and I’d like to say I’m not bad at it), but it just isn’t always pretty (and my surroundings when I am complete, also not pretty). I can make a delicious cake and have my guest laugh at the outside beauty. Why are people so judgmental anyway?
So Holland Home Leisure is hosting a bake sale and all of the Suzy Home Makers of the staff filled the sign up sheet in record time. Relatives (also named Suzy), and friends also quickly joined the pack. So what do I do? Pretend to those around me, that I too am a Suzy.
They will not be there to witness the head to toe icing, the chocolate on the walls, and the stress in my eyes. I warned my husband to stay clear, unless I quickly decided I needed his help, he then may be in trouble for being so far away, and I prepared to impress those who know me well with my baking ability, and was determined to raise money for a great cause!
I baked until last night, making 12 quarts of Caramel popcorn which tastes and looks wonderful, and is wrapped up in pretty bags with ribbon. On my way to being a Suzy!
This morning, I awoke to my biggest challenge, 30 cupcakes and mini cakes …oh boy!
I dug through the cupboards and found “the gun”! The item I unwrapped at my Bridal shower not having a clue what it was (insert awkward thank you and minimal eye contact) from the long lost relative who clearly is not aware my name is Liana and not Suzy. Well, I was about to find out the use of the weapon, an icing distributor (yes, I made up the name). I had not applied icing in any other manner than a knife, and it had never been that good looking, so I was a little nervous to say the least.
The actual baking portion went very smooth, no serious splatters with the beaters, only a small amount of chocolate on the walls, nothing that couldn’t be easily wiped down. I took them out and let them cool and then literally stood there and stared at them for 5 minutes pondering my next move, and then I took another 10 minutes trying to assemble the so called icing distributor and put icing inside of it. Phew, I am ready to frost…but how?
One of my first attempts!
Two hours later (a few grumbles about Suzy), and I stood back and took in my glorious masterpieces. OK, that may be stretching the truth… but I bet you anything my Momma will be proud! I feel great for being able to support such a good cause, and maybe set the bar for future attempts at operating the icing gun/distributor (haven’t decided which name I like better).
I think I got the swirl down!
Thank you to all of my fellow staff members and friends and relatives who showed off there baking ability to support our Splash for CF bake sale! Everything looks great (cakes, breads, squares, brownies, cookies, rice krispie squares, cupcakes and much more) and it is making me hungry just looking at it all!
See you all tomorrow, bright and early at the County Fair Mall!
Talk soon,
Liana (middle name temporarily Suzy) vandenHof-Rhodenizer
LMAO, oh my goodness you need to write a book. Your blog is hilarious. I really hope that the bake sale was a smashing success. :) Can't wait for the next one! This time I will bake much much more, and not burn anything. :)