Fun in the SUN

Fun in the SUN

Monday, 31 October 2011

Little fish...Big Pond!

I have written about 10 versions of what I want to say to you all today about HHL’s debut into fundraising. Frankly, I think I have writers block!

My mother recently wrote about following in her families footsteps and giving back to the community. How the values her parents taught her, help her to have focus and drive in giving back to those in need. I agree (thanks for stealing my idea Mom), but watching your parents work full time, and always be volunteering for something or someone make you feel as though you too can accomplish that as well, and make a difference.

Whether you are a fellow BioGuard Dealer who are part of the Splash for CF Challange, a small business or someone who just needs a push, my hope for you is that Holland Home Leisure somehow inspired you this summer/fall season to see that little fish can change the big pond.

All summer, I am sure each one of my fellow staff members including myself, had a moment when they looked around at their peers and were proud. on a Sunday morning setting up for a yard sale, showing off baked goods and being dunked in a freezing tank all for an amazing cause and nothing else. How can you not be just a little bit proud to call these people your fellow employees and friends? I think this adventure has been a wonderful team building experience, as well as the opportunity to support an amazing cause.

No Time? Yes, most people feel they don’t have time! Fundraising is on top of your normal daily duties, tends to overlap into your free time and just takes energy sometimes you don’t have. I feel like after each event we did, we became more determined and more energetic to succeed at the next event. So, as much as we all enjoyed giving back, we all got a little out of the desire to do a bigger and better job next time.

The auction I feel was an example of this determination to take it one step further. We started out behind schedule, overwhelmed by details and without any prior practice, stressful yes, but an opportunity to learn! As a team…we did it! (I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated, bought tickets, bid on items and especially to Drew Rudderham of Acton’s and Pamela Barnes of CF Canada’s NS Chapter.)

I am not only proud to be apart of the $11,000 earned for Cystic Fibrosis this year, which still blows my mind, but I am so thrilled to of been given the opportunity to show what can be accomplished with a little bit of effort, a little bit of heart, and a lot of determination, and to hopefully encourage someone out there to do the same!

Thank you to all of those who took this journey with us, all of those who supported each and every event. A special thank you to Cystic Fibrosis Canada who helped in so many ways to keep us on track and BioGuard who encouraged and planted the seed!

“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result”
Mahatma Gandhi

-Until Next Time

Liana Rhodenizer

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Setting an example!

While Thanksgiving has come and gone each of us know it is never too late to give thanks, besides, I feel it is my turn to write a blog and I am feeling thankful!

Two days ago Holland Home Leisure had the privilege along with Drew Rudderham of Acton’s in Wolfville in hosting an amazing dinner and auction in support of Cystic Fibrosis.

The success of the evening can be attributed to the wonderful support of local business as well as many individuals who purchased tickets and bid so generously on the items that were up for auction. The generosity of local companies and private individuals make me thank full to call Nova Scotia my home. 
While our family has been fortunate enough not to have a member touched by this disease, our heart goes out to others. CF was introduced to the staff of Holland Home Leisure this past winter in Toronto while on a chemical training course. Collectively we agreed to embrace this cause and shortly after began our fundraising.
One of the things I am most thankful for is being raised by parents who understand the value of giving back to the community. My parents raised a large family on very little money while teaching each of us the value of helping out where, and however you can. Sometimes when we watch program’s on TV we are deceived into believing that only the rich and famous can raise money for charity.  I am happy to say our dinner and auction raised a total of $7000! WOW!

On April 6th 2010 I had the privilege of attending a presentation at the Kentville Municipal building to witness my Mom, Barbara Meisner be presented with a plaque in honor of her volunteerism with the Jolly workers in her community. For as long as I can remember Mom was either on the phone organizing a dinner or tea at the local community hall or she was baking for a function.  There are hundreds of these small communities where men and women work tirelessly to help others.

On Thursday evening Mike and I had the privilege of being involved with the Cystic Fibrosis dinner and auction. The bulk of the organizing of this event was done by our daughter Liana and while it was her first major fundraiser she proved to have inherited her Grandmothers talent.  
I hope some day our children will also have the privilege of watching their children contribute to the community they live in.
Thanks Mom for setting a great example!

-Debby vandenHof

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Santa’s dressed as a pumpkin man!

I always thought there was an unwritten rule, that Christmas decorations could not go out until Halloween was over!

Apparently I was wrong.

In the seasonal section of the stores you have a Harry Potter costume next to the Christmas bulbs! You think that is bad? The other day we were driving along and saw a pumpkin person on a lawn with a wreath on the door! YIKES (I considered taking a picture to show you, in case you don’t believe me, but I do believe there are laws prohibiting that. Sorry!)

Every year time seems to go by faster; no one takes the time to enjoy one holiday before thinking about the next. I’m no exception to that rule; I am usually the one reminding family members that at our Thanksgiving gathering we draw names for Christmas. I also admit I have begun Christmas shopping. The sooner the decorations are in the store, the sooner I think I’m running behind in my shopping! What a stressful cycle.

As a parent, an employee, or a student you are constantly planning for what is next! Tests, performance reviews, big sales or promotions and birthday parties. The list goes on and on and it makes it almost impossible to enjoy each moment, because you are thinking about the next.

One of our slogan’s here at HHL is “Why wait? Live life NOW”. How do we even accomplish that in our fast paced world?

Play with the kids in the pool, and do not worry about what is for supper (or breakfast the next day or lunch even). Enjoy an evening soak with your spouse in the hot tub, and don’t mentally prepare for your meeting in the morning (Also, try to refrain from smuggling your smart phone into your robe and attempting to check a message with wet hands. It will end badly!).

So, for those of you reading…STOP! (Well don’t actually stop reading)

Relax! Enjoy this very moment, and the next! This evening, take time to enjoy the little moments, turn the TV off during supper, and don’t take your computer to bed with you. Enjoy your loved ones company to the fullest!

Why wait? Live life NOW!

-Until next time

Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer

Friday, 7 October 2011

Giving Thanks

Five years ago this weekend we celebrated the grand opening of our new store here in New Minas.  We were overwhelmed by the support we felt that day.  We were surrounded, by staff, vendors, customers, community leaders, and family.  We can never thank everyone enough for their support not only that day but over the past 31 years.  31 years in the pool industry, some days it feels like an eternity, and others it feels like it was only yesterday.   Being Thanksgiving Weekend I would like to thank some of those that have made it possible
Our Staff; being in the service industry staff is an essential part of success.   We have been blessed to have many of our staff members make it their career to work at Holland Home Leisure.  For others it was a summer job, while attending university, often staying for 4 or more years.  We have seen continued growth in each of  their abilities, and they have risen to the many challenges we have placed in front of them.  Their dedication to our company, and also to our customers, has been instrumental in our growth and success.  Thank you to all of our staff members, past and present for your commitment and dedication.
Our Vendors;  Over the past 31 years we have had the opportunity to work with many different vendor partners.  Over those years we have built some lasting partnerships, with vendors that not only supply us with a high quality service or product, but have also invested back into our company through staff training and incentives.  I have been blessed to work with some of the top individuals in the industry, who have challenged us and helped us as we strived to supply our customers with a higher level of service.  Many of these partnerships have also developed into lasting friendships.  Thank you to our many vendor partners both local and national, for your continued support and understanding.
Our Customers;  What would we be without our customers?  It always amazes me at the continued support we receive, and we never take it for granted that this support will continue.  We understand that to maintain this support we also have to supply you with a high level of service and product, and that there have been times that we may have failed to do so.  Our commitment is to continue to grow in the level of service we provide.  We would like to thank all our customers for their support, and friendship over the past years.
Our Community;  What can I say, we live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world.  Not only are we surrounded by some of the most scenic beauty in the world, we are also blessed to have some of the most caring business and community leaders.  A great example of that is the support our company has received from business leaders in support of our fundraising efforts for Cystic Fibrosis, with generous gifts of service and products for our auction.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have not only supported us in these efforts, but all those who give back to our community through the many other great causes.
My Family; Where to begin?  When we started in the pool industry 31 years ago, it was not always easy, and sometimes I think it was my family who had to suffer the most through those early years.  Without the love and support of my family we would not be here today.  Thank you to Deb my wife, and to Scott, Anitra, Jasmine, and Liana my kids for being there for me.  It is only with your love & support through those years, and your continued support through the next 31 years that we were able to grow and be successful.
Last I would like to thank my parents.  It is always a bittersweet memory when I think back on our grand opening here in New Minas 5 years ago.  I was blessed to be able to celebrate that day with both my parents, but I will also always remember that weekend as the time my mom became ill, and she passed away shortly after.  I was blessed to have parents, who encouraged me to not only work hard, & dream big, but also that success is not only measured in dollars and cents, but in how we interact and treat one another.  This is something I continue to strive to accomplish, but I guess that is a lifelong goal to accomplish.  Thanks for being there for me.
Mike vandenHof

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Big Green Egg Cookout!


October 8th, 2011

Holland Home Leisure

8794 Commercial Street
New Minas

Big Green Egg Samples
(Pork, Chicken, Potatoes, Sausage)
Thanksgiving Coloring Pages
Splash for CF BBQ

Join us this Thanksgiving weekend and help Support Cystic Fibrosis!

Free will donation for BGE Samples and Coloring Pages would be appreciated but are not necessary!

Monday, 3 October 2011

Let's be thankful!

I thought with Thanksgiving just around the corner I would give you an idea of what some of our staff members are most looking forward to this turkey season (besides the extra day off)!

Debby says she is thankful for “Family, friends and stuffing!”

Also, I want to say a huge “thank you” to all of the supporters for our upcoming Splash for CF Auction and Dinner event on October 27th. I must say HHL is overwhelmed with the amount of support we have received from local companies who have donated items and from all of those who have purchased tickets. There are a few tickets left so if you are interested in joining us for a 5 course meal (including wine) give me a call at 681-3030!

For our live auction we have received the following items:

$500 in Free Chemicals- BioGuard
2500 Air Miles- Frasers
A pair of Windward Loungers- Holland Home Leisure
Diamond Hoop Earrings- L/S Rhodenizer
Fine Dining Dinner for 8 in your home- Acton’s Grill & CafĂ©

For our silent auction we have received the following items:

$100 G/C- Duggars                           Brunch for 2 X3- Old Orchard Inn                             
Hot Stone Massage-Eau Spa       Necklace/Earrings/Scarf-Country Stoves & Sunrooms
$50 G/C- My Mothers Bloomers               Massage-Kings Physio
$50 G/C- Phinneys                       2 Income Tax Returns- Herritt Income Tax
8X12 Canvas Print-Matt Kozera               $85 G/C- Prince George Hotel
$25 G/C-Maxwells Shoes                        12lb Lobster-B. Spinney     
Original Artwork- C. VanderHeide  $50 g/C- City Girl Cakes
$20 G/C-Beleaf Spa                      Burning Push-Briar Patch
$50 G/C-Port Pub                        Free Range Chicken- D. Meisner
Pair Season Tickets to Acadia Basketball- Acadia Athletics
Pair of Season Tickets to Acadia Basketball with Signed Jersey- Acadia Atheltics

WOW, I am not sure what I’m going to bid on yet, there are so many great items!

Also a big thank you to K-Rock who is our Official Media Sponsor, and to Pam from Cystic Fibrosis Canada-Scotia Chapter who has been incredibly helpful in the planning of the event!

Kristi’s favorite Thanksgiving tradition is “picking out the turkey with her dad, and always getting one that is bigger than her mom sent them out to get”.

Katie says “My favorite part of thanksgiving is having two turkey dinners! Trying not to fill up too much on the first one, then racing to the in-laws for the second meal of the day. Always a fun day spent with all of my family.”

Coming up on this Saturday, October 8th we are having a Big Green Egg cookout in our New Minas location (8794 Commercial Street). There will be lots of free samples cooked on the BGE and Thanksgiving coloring pages for the kids! Free will offering for Splash for CF would be appreciated but is not necessary! We will be having a Splash for CF BBQ at the same time, so come join us for lunch, all proceeds go to the fight against Cystic Fibrosis!

Jenn says “My favorite part of Thanksgiving is my husbands amazing stuffing (made with REAL butter!  Mmm so good….) Of course getting to spend time with family and we always have a card tournament after we clean up supper”

Brad says “I am most thankful for my family and the fact they are all healthy. I am also very grateful to have a great group of friends to enjoy a glass on vino with this long weekend. Oh yeah, my favourite meal is a turkey dinner WITH stuffing so hopefully I’ll get to taste some of that.”

As with my fellow staff members I am also thankful for family, friends and good food! As much as you try to appreciate your family and friends all year, I love that this is a time to be able to express your thankfulness and all spend time together! I am also thankful for my Mom’s gravy and my Dad’s turkey, since mine just never turn out as good!

Until next time,

Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer

P.S. Don’t forget to bring out the stretchy turkey pants!