I always thought there was an unwritten rule, that Christmas decorations could not go out until Halloween was over!
Apparently I was wrong.
In the seasonal section of the stores you have a Harry Potter costume next to the Christmas bulbs! You think that is bad? The other day we were driving along and saw a pumpkin person on a lawn with a wreath on the door! YIKES (I considered taking a picture to show you, in case you don’t believe me, but I do believe there are laws prohibiting that. Sorry!)
Every year time seems to go by faster; no one takes the time to enjoy one holiday before thinking about the next. I’m no exception to that rule; I am usually the one reminding family members that at our Thanksgiving gathering we draw names for Christmas. I also admit I have begun Christmas shopping. The sooner the decorations are in the store, the sooner I think I’m running behind in my shopping! What a stressful cycle.
As a parent, an employee, or a student you are constantly planning for what is next! Tests, performance reviews, big sales or promotions and birthday parties. The list goes on and on and it makes it almost impossible to enjoy each moment, because you are thinking about the next.
One of our slogan’s here at HHL is “Why wait? Live life NOW”. How do we even accomplish that in our fast paced world?
Play with the kids in the pool, and do not worry about what is for supper (or breakfast the next day or lunch even). Enjoy an evening soak with your spouse in the hot tub, and don’t mentally prepare for your meeting in the morning (Also, try to refrain from smuggling your smart phone into your robe and attempting to check a message with wet hands. It will end badly!).
So, for those of you reading…STOP! (Well don’t actually stop reading)
Relax! Enjoy this very moment, and the next! This evening, take time to enjoy the little moments, turn the TV off during supper, and don’t take your computer to bed with you. Enjoy your loved ones company to the fullest!
Why wait? Live life NOW!
-Until next time
Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer
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