Fun in the SUN

Fun in the SUN

Monday, 19 December 2011

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure!

It’s cold and dreary outside and the weather is reminiscent of your mood. It’s been a long hard day with your nose to grind-stone and the only thing keeping you sane is the thought of soothing heat, massaging jets, silky cleansing water and an ambiance that speaks of simple solitude, engaging in one of the oldest and purest forms of relaxation. You get home, flip the cover off your hot tub and get ready to sink in, but wait, something isn’t right…
No one wants to be outside in their skivvies in sub zero weather wondering why their tub water is cloudy and asking themselves if they should get in. No, a hot tub is an investment to be used and much loved! So naturally we want to take good care of it and it’s contents, and so I have compiled for you a few tips to ensure you get the most out of the cold season, because it goes without saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

• The Essentials; Sanitizer and Stain and Scale Control:
First out of the starting gate, Bromine and Chlorine. In order for your water to be safe and clean, one of these two must be present at all times. Be sure to test the spa water each time before you get in to ensure a level of 3-5 ppm and always throw in a teaspoon after you get out, to regenerate what you have used up.  Stain and Scale Control prevents staining and scaling from occurring and keeps your hard earned investment free of harmful build-ups, so be sure to add it each week!

• Filtration & Circulation:
Be sure that all of your jets are turned on, even if you don’t use them, and that you are turning on your RFM jets at least once per week to ensure that sanitized water is going through all of your plumbing. Be sure to be rinse and clean your filter at least once per month and change it as needed to ensure optimal filtration.

• Aeration:
You should turn on your air for about 10-15 seconds after you do your weekly shock of your spa water so that the super chlorinated/brominated water (depending on what you use) has a chance to reach all of the plumbing.

• It’s a good idea to be brushing or wiping down the interior surface and
water-line in your spa to prevent the possibility of a biofilm build-up.

• You should be adding Bromine or Chlorine every day to your spa, even if it’s not being used. Find you don’t always have time to be out there every day? Try a floater with Bromine/Chlorine tablets!

• Last but not least; balance, balance, balance! Having your water
properly balanced with your pH in range will help your sanitizer work more effectively and your water feel softer. Bring in a water sample monthly to your favourite HHL location for a professional analysis by our expert staff!

Now is that H20 sparkling or what?! Until next time folks, Happy Soaking!

-Angela Welch-Rhodenizer

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