Holland Home Leisure is a company that has been built by family. Starting as a small family business and every year since 1980 our HHL family has grown. No matter how many staff we have or how many square feet our showroom is...We are family. At work you are with people daily that you celebrate birthdays and holidays with, the people you laugh with and bicker with and those that you see stressed and relaxed.. sounds like family to me.
The HHL crew is lucky to be given the opportunity multiple times a year to kick back, relax and to celebrate a job well done. After seminars and sales we gather and we are encouraged by owners to come out as a group and relax, laugh, joke and break bread together. Every summer we are blessed to have the chance to meet spouses and and children and play games, eat and let loose and enjoy time together. The holiday season is no exception.
Our holiday party is usually being planned by owners in the summer, and because of hard work and preparation we have been given some memorable parties! Casino Nights, Pool Championships and great meals. This year the HHL family gathered at McGill's restaurant to start the evening. Cocktail hour was lit by Christmas lights and a beautiful tree, followed by what I've heard was one of the best dinners we have shared. Turkey dinner with all the trimmings is a perfect way to get into the holiday spirit. 35 staff and spouses attended and celebrated a closing of 2011 and a job well done. During the meal Rick Rooseboom, our construction manager, was honored with a gift to acknowledge his 20 years with HHL! WOW, what an accomplishment! Thank you Rick!
Following dinner, we brought out our competitive side with a friendly game of glow bowling! Teams were picked randomly throughout dinner so we were sure to get to spend time with someone we may not know well, since there are so many categories in our company. Fun, laughter and holiday spirits were in the air (not necessarily talent) and a great time was had by all.
I would like to thank Mike and Debby and Brad for planning, hosting and always encouraging us to have fun together!
Here is to another great year as family in 2012!
-Liana Rhodenizer
Follow the opinions, memories and stories of the staff members of Holland Home Leisure.
Fun in the SUN

Thursday, 22 December 2011
Monday, 19 December 2011
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure!
It’s cold and dreary outside and the weather is reminiscent of your mood. It’s been a long hard day with your nose to grind-stone and the only thing keeping you sane is the thought of soothing heat, massaging jets, silky cleansing water and an ambiance that speaks of simple solitude, engaging in one of the oldest and purest forms of relaxation. You get home, flip the cover off your hot tub and get ready to sink in, but wait, something isn’t right…
No one wants to be outside in their skivvies in sub zero weather wondering why their tub water is cloudy and asking themselves if they should get in. No, a hot tub is an investment to be used and much loved! So naturally we want to take good care of it and it’s contents, and so I have compiled for you a few tips to ensure you get the most out of the cold season, because it goes without saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
• The Essentials; Sanitizer and Stain and Scale Control:
First out of the starting gate, Bromine and Chlorine. In order for your water to be safe and clean, one of these two must be present at all times. Be sure to test the spa water each time before you get in to ensure a level of 3-5 ppm and always throw in a teaspoon after you get out, to regenerate what you have used up. Stain and Scale Control prevents staining and scaling from occurring and keeps your hard earned investment free of harmful build-ups, so be sure to add it each week!
• Filtration & Circulation:
Be sure that all of your jets are turned on, even if you don’t use them, and that you are turning on your RFM jets at least once per week to ensure that sanitized water is going through all of your plumbing. Be sure to be rinse and clean your filter at least once per month and change it as needed to ensure optimal filtration.
• Aeration:
You should turn on your air for about 10-15 seconds after you do your weekly shock of your spa water so that the super chlorinated/brominated water (depending on what you use) has a chance to reach all of the plumbing.
• It’s a good idea to be brushing or wiping down the interior surface and
water-line in your spa to prevent the possibility of a biofilm build-up.
• You should be adding Bromine or Chlorine every day to your spa, even if it’s not being used. Find you don’t always have time to be out there every day? Try a floater with Bromine/Chlorine tablets!
• Last but not least; balance, balance, balance! Having your water
properly balanced with your pH in range will help your sanitizer work more effectively and your water feel softer. Bring in a water sample monthly to your favourite HHL location for a professional analysis by our expert staff!
Now is that H20 sparkling or what?! Until next time folks, Happy Soaking!
-Angela Welch-Rhodenizer
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Holiday Favorites
When I asked my seven year old what her favorite part of the holidays was... she answered food, followed by family and then of course the gifts... She is seven!
I couldn't agree more with the first two, as you get older you get more and more excited for your favorite holiday treats and meals, and a it is such a special time for everyone to gather. Having the opportunity to host family meals and having friends visiting are the highlights of the season for me. I love having company over and serving special treats that for some reason only come out once a year. Why is that? Because it is tradition of course.
Two of my favorite items to make are chocolate covered peanut butter balls and homemade chocolate truffles, and the best thing is they always look more impressive and time consuming then they actually are!
Both of these recipes are easy to make, take very few ingredients and are fun to make with the kids!
Peanut Butter Balls
3/4 cup smooth peanut butter
1/4 margarine
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cup icing sugar
Mix all ingredients well and form into small balls. Place on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper and put into the freezer.
Melt a bag of your favorite chocolate chips in the microwave. (Only melt for 30 seconds at a time and than stir) When fully melted take your peanut butter balls out of the freezer insert a toothpick and dip into the chocolate. Place back on the wax paper and freeze until hard (10 min).
When you are done you can either freeze them until they are needed or put into the fridge. (Let's see how long they last!)
Chocolate Truffles
1 1/2 bag chocolate chips
1 can condensed milk
1 tablespoon vanilla
Melt chocolate over low heat on the stove (use a heavy pot), when it is fully melted add the can of condensed milk and mix well. Remove pot from heat and mix in vanilla.
Place in the fridge for 2 hours.
Take out and form into balls, the warmth of your hands will warm the chocolate so you can roll them into your favorite toppings. I used crushed candy cane and coconut.
These are perfect treats to sit and enjoy a glass of wine in the evening with or to have hot chocolate with the kids after a day sledding.
Be creative and have fun!
-Talk soon,
Liana Rhodenizer
I couldn't agree more with the first two, as you get older you get more and more excited for your favorite holiday treats and meals, and a it is such a special time for everyone to gather. Having the opportunity to host family meals and having friends visiting are the highlights of the season for me. I love having company over and serving special treats that for some reason only come out once a year. Why is that? Because it is tradition of course.
Two of my favorite items to make are chocolate covered peanut butter balls and homemade chocolate truffles, and the best thing is they always look more impressive and time consuming then they actually are!
Both of these recipes are easy to make, take very few ingredients and are fun to make with the kids!
Peanut Butter Balls
3/4 cup smooth peanut butter
1/4 margarine
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cup icing sugar
Mix all ingredients well and form into small balls. Place on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper and put into the freezer.
Melt a bag of your favorite chocolate chips in the microwave. (Only melt for 30 seconds at a time and than stir) When fully melted take your peanut butter balls out of the freezer insert a toothpick and dip into the chocolate. Place back on the wax paper and freeze until hard (10 min).
When you are done you can either freeze them until they are needed or put into the fridge. (Let's see how long they last!)
Chocolate Truffles
1 1/2 bag chocolate chips
1 can condensed milk
1 tablespoon vanilla
Melt chocolate over low heat on the stove (use a heavy pot), when it is fully melted add the can of condensed milk and mix well. Remove pot from heat and mix in vanilla.
Place in the fridge for 2 hours.
Take out and form into balls, the warmth of your hands will warm the chocolate so you can roll them into your favorite toppings. I used crushed candy cane and coconut.
These are perfect treats to sit and enjoy a glass of wine in the evening with or to have hot chocolate with the kids after a day sledding.
Be creative and have fun!
-Talk soon,
Liana Rhodenizer
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Almost Turkey Time!
The holiday season is upon us. Lights are going up, cookies are being frosted, and everyone is running around fighting for the best parking spots to pick up the last minute deals. Quick reminder....11 more sleeps!
This year I am slightly ahead of schedule due to my extended maternity leave, and being currently on partial bed rest. The tree was up abnormally early, presents are not only purchased but wrapped and I have baked (and eaten) numerous batches of cookies. Yes...I am bored, so I have decided to stay in touch with you all from home! I have missed you all.
While I have been off big changes have happened at HHL! I wanted to send out a big congratulations to Jenn and her new position at our New Minas location. Starting in the new year she will be our new chemistry manager. Since she has taught the majority of our staff all that they know about chemistry and water care this couldn't be a more perfect position for her!
Think you have what it takes to join our upbeat and energetic staff? We are now hiring for a new General Manager for our New Minas location, check out our website and our facebook page to find out the details!
Talk to you all soon,
Liana Rhodenizer
This year I am slightly ahead of schedule due to my extended maternity leave, and being currently on partial bed rest. The tree was up abnormally early, presents are not only purchased but wrapped and I have baked (and eaten) numerous batches of cookies. Yes...I am bored, so I have decided to stay in touch with you all from home! I have missed you all.
While I have been off big changes have happened at HHL! I wanted to send out a big congratulations to Jenn and her new position at our New Minas location. Starting in the new year she will be our new chemistry manager. Since she has taught the majority of our staff all that they know about chemistry and water care this couldn't be a more perfect position for her!
Think you have what it takes to join our upbeat and energetic staff? We are now hiring for a new General Manager for our New Minas location, check out our website and our facebook page to find out the details!
Talk to you all soon,
Liana Rhodenizer
Monday, 5 December 2011
Tis the Season! What is your Christmas Tradition?
Ah! This is my favorite time of year! Everywhere you go there are trees decorated, wreaths hanging, and of course - Christmas music! There are so many things you can count on seeing, hearing, and smelling this time of year.
Now, if I had my way I would start listening to Christmas music at the end of November, but if I did that I would probably drive my wonderful husband absolutely crazy and we can’t have that. What a lucky man he was to marry the biggest Christmas freak in the world! So I thought it would be neat to ask some of the staff what their Christmas traditions were and post their answers. So grab your cocoa, put your snuggie on, and enjoy!
Brad –
“A great memory for me is reading “Twas the Night before Christmas” to my children on Christmas Eve. It started with one child and grew to four wanting to sit on my lap before excitedly heading off to bed in anticipation of Santa’s arrival a few hours later. This tradition has changed as my kids, now in their teens no longer want to sit or can fit for that matter on their dad’s lap. But every year we still get a photo of our entire family of six by the tree with our storybook so we can have that memory and picture to reflect on in the years to come.”
Jenn –
Jenn, our Store Manager, loves Baileys at Christmas! Her new husband Dohn (that’s right, she is now an old married woman) makes mulled wine and loves the Boney M Christmas album, which gets played at her house quite a bit. I had never heard of this group but Jenn gave us a preview of one of the songs and it seems like it would be glorious to listen to. The other thing that Jenn looks forward to is her Mom’s Christmas Quiche! Yum!
Katie –
“One of my favorite Christmas family traditions is coming home after Christmas Eve supper at my Grandparents and watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” with my Mom. It is her favorite Christmas movie and it has definitely become one of mine! It just doesn’t feel like Christmas without it!”
Cathy –
“Last year my husband and I hosted a Christmas Eve party for our families. I made seafood chowder and we had other snacks, beverages, and treats. We video-skyped my sister who could not be home for the holidays; this was a real treat for my parents and Grandmother who do not use the internet and had not seen her for some time. It was so nice to get together to eat, drink, laugh, and sort of take a deep breath before the big day. I think we will do it again this year!”
“Every year my Mother has a Christmas Eve Party for all of my family and friends. We drink cherry brandy annually without fail. We include this bevvie in all the adult stockings, and mom sets out a buffet of homemade treats! This year my hubby and I are starting our own traditions. We will be putting up our first tree in our new home and with my plea for an artificial tree being overruled, he suggested we make a Sunday out of getting our real one. We are going to pick out our real tree and decorate it while drinking copious amounts of Baileys and watching our favorite Christmas movies. My favorite movie is the Jim Carey version of the Grinch who Stole Christmas followed by the original, and my husband’s favorite movie is Home Alone. Also, we are going shopping together to buy each other presents. We are both really picky so this will save on some of the holiday stress, but we are filling each other’s stockings this year without the other’s help to open on Christmas Day with our Baileys.
Megan –
As for me I have a few traditions that I hold very dear to my heart. Every year on the Saturday before Christmas, my father’s side of the family has the annual Family Christmas Party. This has been a tradition in my family since before I was born and ever since I was a small child I remember how exciting it was to have all the family together and play with my big kid cousins. This tradition has changed since we have all grown up and some have families of their own. The real blessing is seeing the excitement in the next generation as they open presents, stay up too late, and eat too many sweets. As a child every Christmas Eve was as anticipated as Christmas Day itself. We would go shopping, even if we didn’t need anything, because we just loved watching the people buying last minute gifts! Also, every year on the way home from church we would drive around and look at Christmas lights. Now that I am an adult and married my husband and I are in the process of creating our own traditions. Every year on Christmas Day we read the Christmas Story from the Bible and reflect on how blessed we have been during the year and ponder what the coming year will bring for us.
To all our families, friends, customers and their families, we hope this Christmas is full of special moments and warm memories.
-Megan, and the rest of the staff at Holland Home Leisure
Saturday, 5 November 2011
48 Days to go!
The leaves have changed, and the mornings and evenings are getting too chilly to ignore, I’ve caved and put on the heat, and actually have to start wearing socks! As much as we like to try to forget, October is gone and November is here. If I log onto Facebook someone’s status will kindly remind me how many shopping days until Christmas.
Now, I look forward to Christmas as much as anyone else, the food, the company and the seasonal fun! I have to admit the stress of the holiday season sometimes does get me down. What time do we have to be there, and what do I have to bring when we go here… Splitting “prime” holiday time between the families can be somewhat of a challenge. My husband and I started a Holiday tradition last year, on Christmas day we invited both families for brunch and then stayed home for the rest of the day, no driving in the snow, no rushing from place to place, a complete day dedicated to our family.
Is that selfish? Maybe! I am a sucker for holiday traditions, and look forward to things happening the way they always have, which makes me so excited to start our own traditions as a family. That is something I think is very important, to not only please everyone else but to do things your own way too!
So 48 days left to make lists and check them twice and of course to shop!
Don’t forget Holland Home Leisure on your “places to go” list. Now here we have the ECO-FEU ethanol table top fireplaces that make an amazing gift for that special someone! Also, our Christmas Clear Out has begun on hot tubs, and you can get up to a $1000 prepaid Visa with the purchase of a 2011 Beachcomber Hybrid! WOW, just think about how many people you can cross off your list with that, plus maybe a little extra for yourself!
Remember we have complimentary coffee, so come on in warm up with a cup and get out of the cold!
-Enjoy your weekend,
Liana Rhodenizer
Friday, 4 November 2011
The owners are away so we can PLAY!
The yearly pool show in Vegas has our "head cheese" away, so it is time for a little fun at HHL :)
Every year in the fall HHL employee’s gather funny pictures and quotes throughout the year and assemble them into a collage. We actually keep a folder which is labeled “Funny Things 2011” which is filed and full of sticky notes and scrap paper with random sayings and funny moments. If you don’t write them down when it happens you won’t remember!
One of our favorite activities is to read the bristle board sized collages from past years and reminisce about the events. Having a bad day, there is always something on the funny board that will make you smile! Sometimes, we get caught gathered around the wall giggling and discussing our favorite HHL moments. Luckily for us, our bosses tend to given in and laugh with us!
Today is the day where we sort through the funny quotes and attach them to funny pictures and remember the great moments!
Some gems from 2011
Remember when… a certain someone ripped her bum out of her pants vacuuming the pool. Oops!
“As per typical”-Katie
“Mike is omnipresent”- Liana
Discussion on who would win HHL Big Brother if we were all to be locked in the store.
“Enjoy the birth…and the after birth”- Brian to Jessica
“I know what not to eat! I know less today than I did tomorrow”- Anoymous
So as you can see the chlorine may be getting to us! Usually when we re-read out funny moments we either don’t remember it happening, or don’t understand why it was said in the first place. Moral of the story, after a busy summer Saturday we tend to say things completely backwards and than write it down so we can poke fun at ourselves later.
-Liana Rhodenizer
Monday, 31 October 2011
Little fish...Big Pond!
I have written about 10 versions of what I want to say to you all today about HHL’s debut into fundraising. Frankly, I think I have writers block!
My mother recently wrote about following in her families footsteps and giving back to the community. How the values her parents taught her, help her to have focus and drive in giving back to those in need. I agree (thanks for stealing my idea Mom), but watching your parents work full time, and always be volunteering for something or someone make you feel as though you too can accomplish that as well, and make a difference.
Whether you are a fellow BioGuard Dealer who are part of the Splash for CF Challange, a small business or someone who just needs a push, my hope for you is that Holland Home Leisure somehow inspired you this summer/fall season to see that little fish can change the big pond.
All summer, I am sure each one of my fellow staff members including myself, had a moment when they looked around at their peers and were proud. on a Sunday morning setting up for a yard sale, showing off baked goods and being dunked in a freezing tank all for an amazing cause and nothing else. How can you not be just a little bit proud to call these people your fellow employees and friends? I think this adventure has been a wonderful team building experience, as well as the opportunity to support an amazing cause.
No Time? Yes, most people feel they don’t have time! Fundraising is on top of your normal daily duties, tends to overlap into your free time and just takes energy sometimes you don’t have. I feel like after each event we did, we became more determined and more energetic to succeed at the next event. So, as much as we all enjoyed giving back, we all got a little out of the desire to do a bigger and better job next time.
The auction I feel was an example of this determination to take it one step further. We started out behind schedule, overwhelmed by details and without any prior practice, stressful yes, but an opportunity to learn! As a team…we did it! (I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated, bought tickets, bid on items and especially to Drew Rudderham of Acton’s and Pamela Barnes of CF Canada’s NS Chapter.)
I am not only proud to be apart of the $11,000 earned for Cystic Fibrosis this year, which still blows my mind, but I am so thrilled to of been given the opportunity to show what can be accomplished with a little bit of effort, a little bit of heart, and a lot of determination, and to hopefully encourage someone out there to do the same!
Thank you to all of those who took this journey with us, all of those who supported each and every event. A special thank you to Cystic Fibrosis Canada who helped in so many ways to keep us on track and BioGuard who encouraged and planted the seed!
“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result” |
-Until Next Time
Liana Rhodenizer
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Setting an example!
While Thanksgiving has come and gone each of us know it is never too late to give thanks, besides, I feel it is my turn to write a blog and I am feeling thankful!
Two days ago Holland Home Leisure had the privilege along with Drew Rudderham of Acton’s in Wolfville in hosting an amazing dinner and auction in support of Cystic Fibrosis.
The success of the evening can be attributed to the wonderful support of local business as well as many individuals who purchased tickets and bid so generously on the items that were up for auction. The generosity of local companies and private individuals make me thank full to call Nova Scotia my home.
While our family has been fortunate enough not to have a member touched by this disease, our heart goes out to others. CF was introduced to the staff of Holland Home Leisure this past winter in Toronto while on a chemical training course. Collectively we agreed to embrace this cause and shortly after began our fundraising.
One of the things I am most thankful for is being raised by parents who understand the value of giving back to the community. My parents raised a large family on very little money while teaching each of us the value of helping out where, and however you can. Sometimes when we watch program’s on TV we are deceived into believing that only the rich and famous can raise money for charity. I am happy to say our dinner and auction raised a total of $7000! WOW!
On April 6th 2010 I had the privilege of attending a presentation at the Kentville Municipal building to witness my Mom, Barbara Meisner be presented with a plaque in honor of her volunteerism with the Jolly workers in her community. For as long as I can remember Mom was either on the phone organizing a dinner or tea at the local community hall or she was baking for a function. There are hundreds of these small communities where men and women work tirelessly to help others.
On Thursday evening Mike and I had the privilege of being involved with the Cystic Fibrosis dinner and auction. The bulk of the organizing of this event was done by our daughter Liana and while it was her first major fundraiser she proved to have inherited her Grandmothers talent.
I hope some day our children will also have the privilege of watching their children contribute to the community they live in.
Thanks Mom for setting a great example!
-Debby vandenHof
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Santa’s dressed as a pumpkin man!
I always thought there was an unwritten rule, that Christmas decorations could not go out until Halloween was over!
Apparently I was wrong.
In the seasonal section of the stores you have a Harry Potter costume next to the Christmas bulbs! You think that is bad? The other day we were driving along and saw a pumpkin person on a lawn with a wreath on the door! YIKES (I considered taking a picture to show you, in case you don’t believe me, but I do believe there are laws prohibiting that. Sorry!)
Every year time seems to go by faster; no one takes the time to enjoy one holiday before thinking about the next. I’m no exception to that rule; I am usually the one reminding family members that at our Thanksgiving gathering we draw names for Christmas. I also admit I have begun Christmas shopping. The sooner the decorations are in the store, the sooner I think I’m running behind in my shopping! What a stressful cycle.
As a parent, an employee, or a student you are constantly planning for what is next! Tests, performance reviews, big sales or promotions and birthday parties. The list goes on and on and it makes it almost impossible to enjoy each moment, because you are thinking about the next.
One of our slogan’s here at HHL is “Why wait? Live life NOW”. How do we even accomplish that in our fast paced world?
Play with the kids in the pool, and do not worry about what is for supper (or breakfast the next day or lunch even). Enjoy an evening soak with your spouse in the hot tub, and don’t mentally prepare for your meeting in the morning (Also, try to refrain from smuggling your smart phone into your robe and attempting to check a message with wet hands. It will end badly!).
So, for those of you reading…STOP! (Well don’t actually stop reading)
Relax! Enjoy this very moment, and the next! This evening, take time to enjoy the little moments, turn the TV off during supper, and don’t take your computer to bed with you. Enjoy your loved ones company to the fullest!
Why wait? Live life NOW!
-Until next time
Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer
Friday, 7 October 2011
Giving Thanks
Five years ago this weekend we celebrated the grand opening of our new store here in New Minas. We were overwhelmed by the support we felt that day. We were surrounded, by staff, vendors, customers, community leaders, and family. We can never thank everyone enough for their support not only that day but over the past 31 years. 31 years in the pool industry, some days it feels like an eternity, and others it feels like it was only yesterday. Being Thanksgiving Weekend I would like to thank some of those that have made it possible
Our Staff; being in the service industry staff is an essential part of success. We have been blessed to have many of our staff members make it their career to work at Holland Home Leisure. For others it was a summer job, while attending university, often staying for 4 or more years. We have seen continued growth in each of their abilities, and they have risen to the many challenges we have placed in front of them. Their dedication to our company, and also to our customers, has been instrumental in our growth and success. Thank you to all of our staff members, past and present for your commitment and dedication.
Our Vendors; Over the past 31 years we have had the opportunity to work with many different vendor partners. Over those years we have built some lasting partnerships, with vendors that not only supply us with a high quality service or product, but have also invested back into our company through staff training and incentives. I have been blessed to work with some of the top individuals in the industry, who have challenged us and helped us as we strived to supply our customers with a higher level of service. Many of these partnerships have also developed into lasting friendships. Thank you to our many vendor partners both local and national, for your continued support and understanding.
Our Customers; What would we be without our customers? It always amazes me at the continued support we receive, and we never take it for granted that this support will continue. We understand that to maintain this support we also have to supply you with a high level of service and product, and that there have been times that we may have failed to do so. Our commitment is to continue to grow in the level of service we provide. We would like to thank all our customers for their support, and friendship over the past years.
Our Community; What can I say, we live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. Not only are we surrounded by some of the most scenic beauty in the world, we are also blessed to have some of the most caring business and community leaders. A great example of that is the support our company has received from business leaders in support of our fundraising efforts for Cystic Fibrosis, with generous gifts of service and products for our auction. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have not only supported us in these efforts, but all those who give back to our community through the many other great causes.
My Family; Where to begin? When we started in the pool industry 31 years ago, it was not always easy, and sometimes I think it was my family who had to suffer the most through those early years. Without the love and support of my family we would not be here today. Thank you to Deb my wife, and to Scott, Anitra, Jasmine, and Liana my kids for being there for me. It is only with your love & support through those years, and your continued support through the next 31 years that we were able to grow and be successful.
Last I would like to thank my parents. It is always a bittersweet memory when I think back on our grand opening here in New Minas 5 years ago. I was blessed to be able to celebrate that day with both my parents, but I will also always remember that weekend as the time my mom became ill, and she passed away shortly after. I was blessed to have parents, who encouraged me to not only work hard, & dream big, but also that success is not only measured in dollars and cents, but in how we interact and treat one another. This is something I continue to strive to accomplish, but I guess that is a lifelong goal to accomplish. Thanks for being there for me.
Mike vandenHof
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Big Green Egg Cookout!
Holland Home Leisure
8794 Commercial Street
New Minas
Big Green Egg Samples
(Pork, Chicken, Potatoes, Sausage)
Thanksgiving Coloring Pages
Splash for CF BBQ
Join us this Thanksgiving weekend and help Support Cystic Fibrosis!
Free will donation for BGE Samples and Coloring Pages would be appreciated but are not necessary!
Monday, 3 October 2011
Let's be thankful!
I thought with Thanksgiving just around the corner I would give you an idea of what some of our staff members are most looking forward to this turkey season (besides the extra day off)!
Debby says she is thankful for “Family, friends and stuffing!”
Also, I want to say a huge “thank you” to all of the supporters for our upcoming Splash for CF Auction and Dinner event on October 27th. I must say HHL is overwhelmed with the amount of support we have received from local companies who have donated items and from all of those who have purchased tickets. There are a few tickets left so if you are interested in joining us for a 5 course meal (including wine) give me a call at 681-3030!
For our live auction we have received the following items:
$500 in Free Chemicals- BioGuard
2500 Air Miles- Frasers
A pair of Windward Loungers- Holland Home Leisure
Diamond Hoop Earrings- L/S Rhodenizer
Fine Dining Dinner for 8 in your home- Acton ’s Grill & CafĂ©
For our silent auction we have received the following items:
$100 G/C- Duggars Brunch for 2 X3- Old Orchard Inn
Hot Stone Massage-Eau Spa Necklace/Earrings/Scarf-Country Stoves & Sunrooms
$50 G/C- My Mothers Bloomers Massage-Kings Physio
$50 G/C- Phinneys 2 Income Tax Returns- Herritt Income Tax
8X12 Canvas Print-Matt Kozera $85 G/C- Prince George Hotel
$25 G/C-Maxwells Shoes 12lb Lobster-B. Spinney
Original Artwork- C. VanderHeide $50 g/C- City Girl Cakes
$20 G/C-Beleaf Spa Burning Push-Briar Patch
$50 G/C-Port Pub Free Range Chicken- D. Meisner
Pair Season Tickets to Acadia Basketball- Acadia Athletics
Pair of Season Tickets to Acadia Basketball with Signed Jersey- Acadia Atheltics
WOW, I am not sure what I’m going to bid on yet, there are so many great items!
Also a big thank you to K-Rock who is our Official Media Sponsor, and to Pam from Cystic Fibrosis Canada-Scotia Chapter who has been incredibly helpful in the planning of the event!
Kristi’s favorite Thanksgiving tradition is “picking out the turkey with her dad, and always getting one that is bigger than her mom sent them out to get”.
Katie says “My favorite part of thanksgiving is having two turkey dinners! Trying not to fill up too much on the first one, then racing to the in-laws for the second meal of the day. Always a fun day spent with all of my family.”
Coming up on this Saturday, October 8th we are having a Big Green Egg cookout in our New Minas location (8794 Commercial Street). There will be lots of free samples cooked on the BGE and Thanksgiving coloring pages for the kids! Free will offering for Splash for CF would be appreciated but is not necessary! We will be having a Splash for CF BBQ at the same time, so come join us for lunch, all proceeds go to the fight against Cystic Fibrosis!
Jenn says “My favorite part of Thanksgiving is my husbands amazing stuffing (made with REAL butter! Mmm so good….) Of course getting to spend time with family and we always have a card tournament after we clean up supper”
Brad says “I am most thankful for my family and the fact they are all healthy. I am also very grateful to have a great group of friends to enjoy a glass on vino with this long weekend. Oh yeah, my favourite meal is a turkey dinner WITH stuffing so hopefully I’ll get to taste some of that.”
As with my fellow staff members I am also thankful for family, friends and good food! As much as you try to appreciate your family and friends all year, I love that this is a time to be able to express your thankfulness and all spend time together! I am also thankful for my Mom’s gravy and my Dad’s turkey, since mine just never turn out as good!
Until next time,
Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer
P.S. Don’t forget to bring out the stretchy turkey pants!
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Fun Fact For You - Kristi
If you are thinking hmm…that name sounds familiar, you are probably right! If you get us to open and close your pool, or service your hot tub then most likely you have talked to Kristi over the season. She is the one who organizes the service crews to make sure every job gets done, and she is the one calling you to let you know when the “boys” are most likely to arrive.
Kristi has been with Holland Home Leisure since April of 2005, starting as a summer staff member and then staying with us and working her way through University! In 2011, she decided to turn her job into a career and has since progressed into her official title “Service Advisor”. Congrats Kristi on your new role with Holland Home Leisure!
Kristi is lucky enough to start her day bright and early at (that’s earlier than I get up…ever!). She needs to be at the store, awake and alert, to round up the crews and send them off in the right direction. Good job Kristi, that’s not a job everyone could handle at let alone !
Kristi, along with the rest of the HHL crew, has a few things that she is known for around the store! Number one being, she knows every code in the store (or it feels like she does), and if you are frantically searching for a code she will most likely bump you out of the way to get the job done! I’m sure she is very curious to know, when we are going to step up our game and memorize the codes! Kristi is a lover of pre-packaged foods, and sometimes it is surprising to see what she finds. (I really don’t blame her, anything to make those early mornings easier.) Did you know that they made pre-packaged apple slices? To her defense she is actually a wonderful baker and even makes her own salsa! YUM! Maybe we need her recipe!
Kristi has many great qualities that make her a huge asset to HHL! She is hard working, dedicated to her job, and even though her days are busy and hectic she will be the first to arrive and the last to leave if that’s what it takes to get the job done! That means in the peak season she puts in many 12 plus hour days! (I’m not jealous of that!) She is also the first to volunteer for anything extra that is needed, such as coming in on days off to work a Splash for CF event, host a bridal or a baby shower, and possibly even a bachelorette! (Like mine!)
Working at the Splash for CF Dunk Tank!
Great job Kristi
Talk soon,
Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer
Friday, 23 September 2011
Time to Winterize!
Winterizing Above Ground and In-Ground Pools:
It’s that time of year again; the days are getting shorter, the nights colder and the mornings are far more difficult to motivate yourself out of bed. It’s pool closing season! So here are some tips and chemical advice to ensure that you protect your investment and open up to clear water in the spring.
Let’s start with the procedures you will need to follow before you start to unhook your equipment:
- Balance the water: It’s as important to balance the pool for the winter season as it is in the summer when it’s in use. Your pool will be sitting without any circulation or filtration for over 6 months, so you need to be preparing the water for the changes in chemistry, and the biological contamination that will occur over the off-season. Holland Home Leisure recommends bringing in a 1l. water sample one week before the pool is going to be closed to ensure the proper balance for the winter season. The chemistry of your pool water during the winter season is similar to the summer months, but we balance the water at a higher pH (7.6-7.8) to fight the corrosive nature of freezing water.
- Add the right chemicals: As I mentioned above, the water becomes more and more corrosive as the water becomes colder and begins to freeze over the winter, so adding the correct chemicals formulated for cold water is essential in protecting the pool at low water temperatures. Adding winter chemicals will also help to prevent scaling (calcium or metal deposits) on the liner, prevent organics from staining the liner, remove the excess waste from the water and prevent algae from blooming in the warmer temperatures in the autumn and early spring. We recommend the following to keep the pool clear into the spring months:
- Super-chlorination for winter temperatures: One bag of Biogaurd Hiber Shock per 40,000L of pool water added directly into the pool.
- Cold water algaecide: 120 ml of the Bioguard Hibernate Algaecide per 10,000L of pool water added around the edges of the pool.
- Stain and Scale Inhibitor for cold temperatures: 120 ml of Bioguard Hibernate Stain and Scale Inhibitor per 10,000L of pool water added around the edges of the pool.
- Enzymes: Add one bottle of BioGuard Pool Refresh into any size pool. Enzymes help to decrease build up on the surfaces of the pool as well as preventing scum lines from forming at the water line over the winter, making your spring clean-up that much easier. Pool Refresh is included free this season with the purchase of a Hibernate Deluxe Kit which contains all three of the above chemicals, and treats up to 80,000L of pool water!
- Circulate: Allow the chemicals enough time to properly mix into solution to maximize their efficiency; we recommend 12-24 hours prior to shutting down the system and draining down the water level.
Now that you have taken the time to properly balance the pool and add the correct chemicals to protect it, its time to begin to unhook the equipment. I am not going to go over the procedures to close both above ground and in-ground pools in this blog, but the information is available in a hand out at either Holland Home Leisure location, or if you’re looking to have us close the pool for you, our service procedure is listed on our website @ hollandhomeleisure.com. Just come into the store or call to book an appointment.
Here are some helpful tips to ensure your pool closing goes as easily as possible, and you open with clear, ready to swim water:
- Winterize the pool fully: I know closing the pool can be both time consuming and a pain, but properly winterizing your pool every season is protecting your investment and will save you a lot of time and money when you open up in the spring.
- Put on your winter cover: This I can’t stress enough, the winter cover protects the pool from falling debris, heavy snow fall and damage from foreign objects that might find their way into your pool. The cover also helps to reduce your chemical cost when you start up in the early spring by preventing large amounts of untreated water from getting into the pool and throwing off the balance and diluting those winter chemicals you spent your hard earned money on. Algae blooms are also far more likely to form in uncovered pools, and occur earlier due to the dissolution (watering down) of the winter chemicals and the direct exposure to UV light. The use of a winter cover will also help to prevent staining on your liner from leaves and other organics that fall into the pool (especially in the autumn when everything seems to end up in the pool.)
- Close late and open early: Even if you aren’t using your pool you should avoid closing early (before October) and opening late in the spring/summer (after early May). Your pool will operate in September and October with the addition of less chlorine then it needs in the summer, and won’t cost you much to keep an adequate sanitizer reading present in the cold water. Also, try to open up in the spring as early as you can, I know its cold and you aren’t ready to get in and use it yet, but opening up by May 15th will help to ensure the pool is clear and algae free, saving you at least $100.00 for an algae treatment, and that’s on a small above ground. In-ground pools can cost upwards of $150-200 depending on the severity of the bloom.
The BioGuard Guarantee:
Bioguard Canada has offered to pay for your shock and algaecide (up to the value of the Hibernate Kit, $61.95) to treat an algae bloom in the spring if you have done the following:
- Brought in a water test and can prove you’ve added the chemicals to treat it (we take care of that.)
- Purchased a Hibernate Deluxe kit and added the winter closing chemicals.
- Covered the pool with a solid cover, not a leaf net or secure cover that allows water to drain in.
- Open the pool and have brought in a water sample prior to May 15th 2012 .
- Have a copy of the algae free guarantee form that is in your Hibernate Deluxe Kit and have kept your proof of purchase.
* Pease note: the guarantee does not apply to pools that have had their cover fall into the pool.*
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Fall in Love...With Fall
Who else gets excited about baking and making big meals when it starts to get chilly out? I definitely do! Last Sunday I was so happy to putter around the house, bake cookies, and have my folks and sister for supper. I lit candles, I read a good book, and it wasn’t too hot to run my dryer or to use the oven so I was cozy all day! I made a big chicken dinner, and guess what, all of my veggies were done relatively close to the same time! Impressive I know! My mom even said I may be ready to host Christmas dinner…gee thanks Mom!
The most beautiful time of year in the valley is when Fall rolls in! Yes, everyone is slightly disappointed by the weather we had this summer, but so far Fall has been beautiful! I realize it hasn’t officially started but I am being optimistic!
As busy as back to school is, I find that by the time Fall comes around everyone is calmed down slightly from the hustle and bustle of summer (especially those in the pool business). People are planning their family portraits, winter getaways, Thanksgiving festivities and making the most of the weekends when the kids are home from school by taking trips to the local exhibitions and soon the pumpkin festival! Yes, the kids are back into their after school activities and Mom and Dad’s taxis are back on the road for another season! But isn’t Fall beautiful?
Most importantly, I find that Fall is the time to remember quality family time! With the kids gone during the week, you really have to plan in those weekend family events. From a Friday night movie night (mmm popcorn), to Saturday morning bike rides, and maybe a Sunday afternoon soak in the hot tub!
If a hot tub is a way you would like to see your family connecting, give us a call! Our 3-day Hot Tub Clearance starts tomorrow and you could save up to a $1000 on a 2011 Beachcomber Hot Tub! With those savings the little ones can join dance class or hockey!
So instead of concentrating on how dark it is when you wake up, or how cold your toes are when they hit the floor, take a look outside and admire what a beautiful spot you live in! Take time to appreciate the little things (like a Tim Horton’s Tea and a SMILE cookie!) and the quality time with your family!
Why wait? Live Life Now!
Talk soon everyone!
-Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Mr. September
Suddenly, it seems like summer is over! I am not 100% sure when it actually started, or even if it did, but now it is officially over. Kids are back in school, the morning trips to the bus are getting colder, and believe it or not people are closing their pools! How depressing. Luckily for those hot tub owners the perfect hot tub season is just beginning, and for those dreaming of a hot tub your timing is perfect! Our 2011 Clearance is on our anniversary weekend September 23rd and 24th but come see us any time for details!
Now, that all of our summer staff have gone off to university, we are finding our first weeks of pool closings busy! So a big thank you to all of our patient customers who have had to wait at the water lab this past week, and don’t forget to enjoy a complimentary coffee while you wait!
Currently, not only are we preparing you all for closing your pools, but we are working hard at the first of the fall projects. Next on the agenda is our very first HHL promotional video that will be showcased on the Yellow Pages Website. Debby and I are testing out both our producing ability and our acting ability! Oscar worthy, I think not but we are definitely enjoying the opportunity to work together and showcase Holland Home Leisure at its BEST! I will update you when the job is completed and how you can watch!
Speaking of videos, did you catch our first “How To” video on our Facebook page? This is hopefully the first of many videos, but please bear with us as I read through all of your requests for which videos you would like to see. Send me an email if you have an idea! We are slightly limited on how long the videos can be. I know you are all hoping we can showcase a pool closing segment, but that may be out of my 7 year olds digital cameras capabilities! I will have to hit the bosses up for an upgrade!
Our fundraising team is still working hard at making our Auction and Dinner a huge success so if you haven’t purchased your tickets yet give me a call at (902) 681-3030 or send me an email at liana@hollandhomeleisure.com
So, in the theme of turning up the heat, I thought I would share this beautiful picture with you all (not so much for me, it is my brother!) . Service Crew Calendar fundraising for CF next year?? I think so! Check out Mr. September.
Talk soon everyone!
Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Hot Tub Hoedown
One question I always hear when talking to people about hot tubs is “I am just not sure I will use it.” Having been lucky enough to grow up with a hot tub in the backyard I have so many memories of me and my family with the hot tub as the centerpiece. So I thought I would gather my top three favorite reasons why I LOVE a hot tub!
#3 on my favorites list is Birthday Parties!
Lucky for me my birthday is in the winter…yes, pool parties are fun but hot tub parties are better! In my younger years after a day of sledding or skating the best party finale was a soak in the hot tub, there really is nothing better after a cold day! Then when you are all done with your bathing suit snow ball fight you can head inside and have hot chocolate with your cake (so much better than pop!). My mom is also known for making the best homemade hot chocolate… I wonder if she would share her recipe (hint hint Mom). After sledding was no longer “age appropriate” we graduated to “spa themed” parties with the hot tub soak as the highlight. The vandenHof Spa was very popular and our clients always left happy!
#2 on my list is Holidays!
Every family has their own holiday traditions, but I loved the Christmas Day soak in the hot tub, especially when there was a nice light snow! Come on now, doesn’t that sound picture perfect? I am also pretty sure the hot tub got some attention on some other holidays, such as the New Years Eve parties (those always made for some comical moments) and any other holiday where the family was all together. The hot tub served as the quiet relaxation that holidays are supposed to include but often get missed in the hustle and bustle of it all.
#1 on my list Quality Family Time!
The hot tub was the center of many serious conversations in my family. I can’t speak on behalf of my siblings but I can definitely tell you the hot tub was where my father and I had our best “father daughter talks”. The hot tub was our safe spot, where we could share secrets and solve problems! Lucky for me my dad is a pretty amazing problem solver! In high school years I told him the truth about which boy I liked, how I was really doing in school, and all of my hopes and dreams for the future. It was where he got all the juicy gossip (which I’m sure he then shared with my Mom!). There were no distractions and in a large busy family, who doesn’t want to escape for 20 minutes and have your own personal one on one time. Our hot tub chats were never complete with out us hashing out the best players on the local basketball teams (Go Acadia!)
Now, my job is to help people find the best hot tub to suit them and their lifestyle. My favorite part is to see how excited they are when they come in after having the tub for a few weeks, and they tell me about the new traditions their family has developed. They usually mention that they should have done it years earlier! What a fun product to sell!
Talk soon,
Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Miss me?
Well, I had an absolutely amazing week off, full of day trips and a wonderful night in the city and some amazing meals! Did you miss me?
You may have heard that Holland Home Leisure is planning one more event for Splash for CF this season and our fundraising team couldn’t be more excited. We are planning an Auction and Dinner event at Acton ’s Grill and CafĂ© in Wolfville, on October 27th 2011 . I have to admit I really am blown away with the support we have been receiving from local and non local companies!
We will be starting the evening at where attendees will be given the opportunity to bid on some quality items in our silent auction. Items have been donated from various Annapolis Valley and Halifax area companies including massages, fresh lobster, gift certificates for cakes and flowers and even local artists painting and photography! (Plus So Much More!!)
The dinner will begin at and will consist of a five course culinary masterpiece by Chef Drew Rudderham of Acton ’s, wine samplings will be served with each course. We will finish the evening with a live auction which will include a few of our larger donations. Samples of our live auction items are a night away at the Prince George Hotel and a dinner for eight in your home provided by Chef Drew of Acton ’s plus much more! To keep track of our auction items join our Holland Home Leisure FaceBook page to see items as they have been donated.
We have been working hard to make this event an evening to remember, we invite you to join us and take this opportunity to support Cystic Fibrosis. The night will be full of fun and celebrating the support we are able to give to Splash for CF.
Tickets are $100 per person (price includes tax and gratuity) and a tax receipt will be issued for donation portion. Tickets can be purchased in either location and over the phone at (902) 681-3030 or (902) 847-9392.
If you are interested in any more information please let me know at liana@hollandhomeleisure.com and I would be more than happy to help you! If you are an owner of a company who would like to donate an item for our auction that would be greatly appreciated!
For more information on Cystic Fibrosis please check out http://www.cysticfibrosis.ca/en/index.php
On other big HHL news, September is our Anniversary month, September 25th marks our 31 years in business! Congrats HHL! To celebrate our anniversary we are having a month of savings including daily door crasher sales (can be downloaded on our website or FaceBook page), and a huge Hot Tub promotion on our anniversary weekend September 22nd-24th!
Talk soon everyone,
Liana vandenHof-Rhodenizer
A Special Thank You to some of the Auction's Major Sponsers
So many more to Thank!!!
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